腦作大業 064 – 藝術家鄧凝姿與翟宗浩對談

腦作大業 064 – 藝術家鄧凝姿與翟宗浩對談

三十年前出道,最近又回身藝壇的藝術家 翟宗浩 與資深藝術家 鄧凝姿 的精彩對談香港藝術發展回顧,新進藝術家密切留意的精彩內容:

嘉賓: 鄧凝姿 / 翟宗浩

主持: 茄 (Twitter / Blog) , Hermia (Twitter), John (Twitter / Blog)


鄧氏以多類型的媒介從事創作,例如繪畫和布料裝置,其作品大多討論文化和身份的問題,特別是有關香港的議題。 近期作品以城市為題。 http://www.tangyingchi.com

Dr. TANG Ying-chi, Stella
TANG is a visual artist who works with a wide range of media, such as painting and fabric installation. Her works focus on issues related to Hong Kong context and cultural identity. Recent work talks about city and urbanization. http://www.tangyingchi.com



1989 美國紐約 Studio School 研修課程

1988 美國緬因州史高希根油畫雕塑學校 研修課程

美國紐約市立大學皇后書院 藝術碩士

1986 美國印第安納波奧州立大學 文學碩士

1984 日本東京藝術大學大學院 油畫科第四研究室 研究生

1981 香港中文大學藝術系 文學學士


2009 「浮圖 ﹣翟宗浩作品展」 香港精藝軒畫廊

2005 「香港當代藝術雙年展」香港藝術館

1995 「藝術家聯展」美國紐約林肯中心畫廊

1994 「皇冠六號」個展,台灣台北皇冠藝文中心


1993 「大自然,新看法」聯展,美國紐約 Studio School 畫廊


台灣台北帝門畫廊 一九九三年聯展


1992 台灣台北阿普畫廊開幕聯展




「中、港、臺 ﹣新視野」聯展,美國紐約林肯中心畫廊


1991 「素描1991:美國/日本/中國」聯展,美國紐約林肯中心畫廊




1989 Studio School, Artist in Residence, New York, USA

1988 Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, Maine, USA

Queens College, M.F.A., New York, USA

1986 Ball State University, M.A., Indiana, USA

1984 Tokyo National University of Fine Art, Research Assistant, Tokyo, Japan

1981 Chinese University of Hong Kong, B.A., Hong Kong

Recent Exhibitions

2009 “Floating World – Paintings of Chak”, Art Beatus Gallery, Hong Kong

2005 “Contemporary Hong Kong Biennial Years Exhibition”, Museum of Art, Hong Kong

1995 “Annual Group Show,” Gallery 456/ CAAC, New York City, USA

1994 “Crown No. 6,” one man show, Crown Art Center, Taipei, Taiwan

“Low Tech, Low Art,” one man show, IT Park, Taipei, Taiwan

“Gallery Group Show,” Dimension Art Center, Taipei, Taiwan

1993 “Nature Morte, A Current View”, New York Studio School, New York, USA

“What’s Cooking?”, Gallery 456, New York City, USA

“Art Show II”, Downtown Hospital, New York City, USA

“Recent Works of Chak”, Galerie Crimson, Taipei, Taiwan

“Small Work Show”, Up Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan

1992 “City Hall 30th Anniversary Celebration”, City Hall, Hong Kong

“Gallery Group Exhibition”, Up Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan

“Art Show”, Downtown Hospital, New York City, USA

“Contemporary Hong Kong Art Biennial 1992”, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong

“New Vision – Arts from China, Taiwan, Hong Kong”, Cork Gallery, New York City, USA

“Chak it Out”, Gallery 456, Chinese-American Arts Council, New York City, USA

1991 “Drawings 1991: USA/Japan/China”, Cork Gallery, Lincoln Center, New York City, USA

“Drawings 1991: USA/Japan/China”, Japan Art Gallery, Tokyo, Japan