腦作大業 073 – HKInstaYay

腦作大業 073 – HKInstaYay

訪問 HKInstayay 創辦人及組員,介紹 如何由個人攝影興趣發展到組織活動,以至出版攝影集的精彩過程,留意本集節目內容以英文為主。

Interviewing with the founders and members of the group Instayay, from organizing gathering to publishing photo album, let’s look into their process and development :

#hkinstayay in instagram: http://populagram.appspot.com/tag/hkinstayay
Facebook Fans Page: http://www.facebook.com/hkinstayay
HKInstayay booklet and postcards by pickper.me

Guests: Tyson Wheatley (IG@twheat), Candy Pang (IG@panglap), Boo (IG@xenaboo), Justin Lau (IG@justinfied), Bonnie Jacqueline (IG@yuenhan), Jerry Lee(IG@jerrymug)

主持: 茄 (Twitter / Blog) , Hermia (Twitter), John (Twitter / Blog)