腦作大業 095 - 爆破處

腦作大業 095 – 爆破處

進入私隱與公開的模糊空間,並介紹爆破處的第三次展覽 – 「破處3.0」及專訪爆破處的成員:

Guests 爆破處成員:陳秀珍 / 黎振寧 / 黃志明


《破處 PO CHU3.0》展覽
爆破處的第三次藝術項目, 一個關於私隱和公眾的展覽
The 3rd action of Bao Po Chu, an exhibition exploring the relationship between the idea of privacy and the concept of the public.

Bao Po Chu/ participating artists includes: Anny Tan, Dick Lai, Jan Tam, John Wong and Bellini Yu

展覽日期 Exhibition Period: 4.3. 2012 – 31.3.2012

開幕酒會 Opening Reception: 9.3.2012 (五Fri), 19:00-20:30

展覽及酒會地點 Venue: 灣仔香港藝術中心十樓白管子 White Tube, 10/F, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Wan Chai

*特別演芔Special art performance: 14.3.2012 (Wed) 請留意fb公告 details will be announced on Facebook

詳情Facebook: www.facebook.com/pochupage



在影像泛濫及網絡平台發達的催化下,我們也許已習慣了把身邊的人甚或是自己的一些私人和私隱的事物“分享”於社交網站上公諸同好。傳媒及媒體更善於利用這趨勢,將他人自願或不自願的“分享”加以抄作批評,慢慢還凝聚了一班“為民請命”的網絡陪審團和法官,進行網絡大審判。 這裡不是要著意討論部份網民的網絡行為,而是當私人或私隱的事物被當作是個人抒發、娛樂、新聞、甚至是武器時,究竟是怎樣的一回事?


你將抱著什麽心態去偷窺? 偷窺別人時,你又或也在偷窺自己? 私人地方是否一定有私隱呢? 歡迎你來與我們分享你的看法。


About the exhibition:

After two art performances at the public or ‘semi-private’ spaces to investigate and show the blurry boundary between privacy and public, <Po Chu 3.0> exhibition redefines self exposure, peeping and cyber-bullying by using different art media and ways of presentation.

Inundation of images and rapid development of internet platforms catalyze our habit to ‘share’ private things on the internet to our friends. Media is good at taking advantage of this trend and put critique onto others’ voluntary or involuntary ‘share’. Gradually, a group of cyber-jury and cyber-judge are formed. They speak up for the common folks and embody the justice to execute cyber-trials. Here is not to discuss the internet behaviors of some users. But, when privacy is treated as personal expression, public entertainment, news and even weapons……What is actually happening?

In <Po Chu 3.0> exhibition, the artworks from five local emerging artists are presenting the voyeur’s point of view, the feeling of being watched, the exposure of privacy, the seeking of the definition of privacy and even the ambivalence action of self-exposure because of the fear of privacy being exposed. The exhibition provides audiences an experience of peeping, being watched and a space to discuss this everybody issue with the artists.

What is your state of mind when peeping at others’ privacy; peeping at others or at your own? Your private territory must be private? You are welcomed to share your views with us!

Bao Po Chu
March 2012