腦作大業 111 - Artifashion: 時裝、設計和藝術的奏鳴曲

腦作大業 111 – Artifashion: 時裝、設計和藝術的奏鳴曲


專題介紹 Artifashion,M.A.T.邀集五位年青藝術家Crossover POPmart五位本地新進時裝設計師,融合 Fashion show、設計、繪畫和藝術的展覽活動,精彩內容包括:


嘉賓:Eric Sze, Mim Mak, Terence Choi, William Tong, Ashley Chan, Ann Dan, Timbee Lo, Ceci Chan, Keiko Chow




展覽開幕 : 18-08-2012 (Sat) 5.30pm-7pm

展覽日期:  18-24 /08/2012 (Saturday-Friday)

Time: 13:00 pm-9:00 pm


天后皇龍道15號地舖(天后地鐵站A2出口) My Art Temptation

Location: G/F Shop, No.15 Dragon Road, Tin Hau, Hong Kong






支持本地創作,歡迎您參觀ArtiFashion- 藝術X時裝秀POPmart和M.A.T.將在八月中旬舉辦一個關於藝術與時裝的展覽。M.A.T.邀集五位年青藝術家Crossover POPmart五位本地新進時裝設計師, 將對藝術的追求及時裝的觸覺結合,展示革新創作, 可穿的時裝同時是一件藝術品,不可穿的藝術品將裝置上身,是次展覽將沖擊您的視覺,挑戰您的衣櫥!


Desire of unique dressing styleExplore the new world of local artistsAdvices from the trendy professionalsRenew the summer closetBrings the local creative fashion homeArtifashion – an artistic and trendy fashion showYou are welcome to join the Artifashion

– an artistic and trendy fashion showPOPmart and M.A.T. will organize an event about Art and Fashion in mid August.M.A.T. invited 5 young artists Crossover 5 local fashion designers from POPmart.Exhibit the innovative creativity which combining pursuit of art and fashion sense.Wearable fashion at the same time an art piece, non-wearable artworks install on body. ArtiFashion will impact your vision and challenge your closet!Location: G/F Shop, No.15 Dragon Road, Tin Hau, Hong Kong


