腦作大業 132 – 專訪 藝術展覽 My Little Playground 遊。樂完

腦作大業 132 – 專訪 藝術展覽 My Little Playground 遊。樂完



「你心目中的遊樂場是怎樣的? 」

專訪位於上環 Lomography gallery shop 舉行名為 My Little Playground「遊。樂完」的展覽的藝術家,分享他們的創作過程及感受,當中更分享另一段有關空間的小故事,精彩内容包括:

嘉賓 :

Clarie Ko 高嘉莉
Edmond Wong 黃偉研
Marco Yau 邱國榮

My Little Playgroung-[遊。樂完]展覽 :

日期 Date:6 月 8 日 – 6 月28日

時間 Time:11:00AM – 7:00PM
地點 Venue: Lomography Gallery Store 上環店

When you walk past a playground on the street, will you ever have a thought of getting on a swing or roundabout to play for a second? In fact, is that playground no longer belonged to us as we grow up?In this exhibition, three local artists transform and exchange the ideas between elements from the playground in our old days and enjoyment for adults nowadays. They present a series of art installations which try to explore the possibilities of a playground, and lead audience to find their own answers.經過遊樂場的時候,你曾否有衝動去搖一搖那鞦韆,或是踏上氹氹轉上轉一圈?究竟,長大了以後,遊樂場是否已再不屬於我們?


Meet the Artists by Lomography –



