腦作大業 136 – 無眠城市 專訪藝術家何淑美 Corn Ho

腦作大業 136 – 無眠城市 專訪藝術家何淑美 Corn Ho

凌晨二時街上的計程車如何變成為創作的一部份?與何淑美分享其創作經歷及介紹即將舉行的個展 cialis 「無眠城市」 :

Guest: 何淑美


<無眠城市> – 何淑美個人展覽



開幕酒會: 8月16日(星期日)下午7時至9時

地點: 香港 西環西邊街26號 MY GALLERY


SLEEPLESS IN HONG KONG – A solo by Corn Ho Shuk Mei 

16 August – 18 September 2013

Opening Reception: 16 August (FRI) at 7:00 – 9:00 PM


Shop B, G/F, 26, Western Street, Sai Wan, Hong Kong
Featuring four pieces of new and latest paintings, “SLEEPLESS IN HONG KONG” is the second ever major solo exhibition by Hong Kong artist Corn Ho Shuk Mei .

The exhibition aims to look into the sleepless world in Hong Kong through oil paintings and sketches: Taxi Series – 2:am, Within BLACK – cityscape and various installation work. Using a sarcastic, frolic tone and a distinct type of coloring and space, the paintings free the sleeplesses from their physical barricades, leadingthem to their dreams where they could at least have a taste of freedom with their eyes closed.

“Art has a mystical ability: horrible things expressed by art are beautiful; agony expressed by music fills people with a silent joy.” – Charles Baudelaire

SLEEPLESS IN HONG KONG is inspired by various sleepless nights of the artist, Corn HO Shuk Mei, who would like to whisper the city’s stories of dreams, life and politics.

Corn HO Shuk Mei graduated from Fine Arts Department CUHK (BA) and minored in French Studies in 2010.She is a member of Fotanian (Hong Kong Artist Village).

Corn’s works offer fancy associations of human existence (skin, body structure and mental situation) withdifferent translucent color layers of oil paintings. Corn specializes in oil painting but also presents her personal thoughts in a lively and symbolistic way through diverse media including film, installation and photography. Capturing moments, emotions and atmospheres is what she usually pursues in her works.

Recently, Corn has put focus on painting people in landscape life drawing of places of past memories that have strange and relevant relationship with the reality world.


<無眠城市> – 何淑美個人展覽

開幕酒會: 8月16日(星期日)下午7時至9時
地點: 香港 西環西邊街26號 MY GALLERY

香港藝術家何淑美的第二次個展, 將會在展場展出她四件繪畫作品 及一個裝置藝術作品。是次展覽想透過凌晨兩時-的士停車場 (Taxi Series – 2:00am) 系列﹑追 (Days : We chat we laugh we melt in 2007)及黑潮- 城市再創造系列 (Within BLACK – cityscape) 作為一個介點,透過油彩及素描創作, 及部分的裝置的藝術, 繼續延伸深入『無眠城市』的世界。透過半點諷刺, 半點調皮, 及獨特的顏色及空間, 為在夜間行走的無眠者逃離環境的限制, 前往睡夢中的軌跡, 至少可以閉上眼簾, 擁有自由。

『藝術有一個神奇的本領: 可怕的東西用藝術表現出來就變成美;
Charles Baudelaire 沙爾‧波德萊爾

無眠城市 (Sleepless in Hong Kong) 是次展覽的概念是由透過藝術家不同的無眠晚上,這些故事側面訴說這城市 (香港) 的政治﹑生活及想像。

何淑美在2010年畢業於香港中文大學(文學士), 主修藝術 (當代藝術研習),副修法文。現在, 在位於火炭的工作室 (World-wide 817) 繪畫。
專注於油畫創作, 也遊走於錄像及混合媒介創作。由繪畫中重拼人們分離的存在感, 喜歡油畫擁有不同層次的感覺, 聯想是人的皮膚, 及身體, 最後精神狀態, 它就是複雜性及一層又一層的。著迷於捕捉時間, 感覺及氣氛, 那怕是創作的就是虛幻的真實, 但相信它只是以不同具像呈現, 靈魂及氣質是恆久永存的。


Corn Ho’s Webpage :



PepperCorn :
